The annual spate of injuries and fear caused to dogs, horses and livestock by fireworks may be over for this winter, but now is the time to look ahead and try and limit their use. 
The most recent petition of the Firework Abatement Campaign has reached almost 300,000 signatures. If you haven’t already signed it please do so here before January 27. 
It’s already large enough to be debated in Parliament, but it’s important to lobby MPs and get them on board too. Write to yours now and ask them to support the ‘early day motion’ calling for a review of firework law being proposed by Sarah Owen, MP for Luton North. 
Feel free to adapt the wording we've sent to York MP Rachael Maskell: 
"Dear Rachael, 
The 2003 Fireworks Act and 2004 Fireworks Regulations are no longer fit for purpose and need to be strengthened. 
It is essential to act to stop the distress and injury caused to pets, horses and livestock from excessive fireworks being let off around November 5th and December 31st, and on other occasions such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. This year in York, the loud explosions from fireworks were an almost nightly event for several weeks around Guy Fawkes Night: this is unacceptable, and extremely distressing for animals. 
Fireworks above a certain size should only be sold to the organisers of licensed displays, the use of fireworks should be banned completely outside certain dates, and the sale of fireworks above 97 decibels should be banned completely. It is often these larger and louder rockets which cause the most anxiety to animals. In the case of horses and farm animals the sudden loud noises and flashes can cause them to panic and injure themselves. 
Your colleague Sarah Owen MP is proposing an early day motion on the misuse of fireworks and a review of firework law - I see you have not yet signed this motion, and I would ask you please support to her on this." 
NB You can find out if your MP has signed the Early Day Motion here  
Tagged as: Fireworks, Lobby your MP
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